Terms and conditions of use of the Crelan Developer Portal and Crelan’s APIs

1. Application of the terms and conditions of use

These terms and conditions govern the use of the Crelan Developer Portal and Crelan’s APIs.

Developers will find documentation and descriptions of Crelan’s Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) on the Crelan Developer Portal. 

The sandbox, which contains fictitious data, allows third parties to discover and test Crelan’s APIs.

These terms and conditions of use apply to APIs for payment initiation services and account information services governed by Directive (EU) 2015/2366 on payment services only insofar as they do not conflict with any imperative stipulation.

By using the Crelan Developer Portal and/or Crelan’s APIs the user or applicant user confirms being bound by these terms and conditions of use and having read, understood and accepted them.

Any user or applicant user who does not agree with any provision of these terms and conditions of use must refrain from consulting or using Crelan’s Developer Portal and APIs.

2. Access to Crelan’s Developer Portal and APIs

The Crelan Developer Portal is publicly accessible.

Access to Crelan’s APIs is obtained through the equensWorldline PSD2 XS2A hub, available via the Crelan Developer Portal.

Subject to their complying with these terms and conditions of use, third parties in possession of a permit issued by the NBB (National Bank of Belgium) or other authorised supervisor may obtain access to Crelan’s Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

3. Availability of the Crelan Developer Portal and Crelan’s APIs

The Crelan Developer Portal and the APIs were developed by Crelan with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, Crelan cannot guarantee that the Developer Portal, the APIs and the various functionalities will always be available or that no interruptions, failings or defects can arise. Any user detecting a problem or security incident must immediately inform Crelan through the Forum available on the Developer Portal or, if this is not possible, by sending an email to [email protected].

Crelan may temporarily suspend the availability of the Developer Portal and the APIs for purposes of maintenance, updating, replacement, etc.

Crelan cannot be held liable for the temporary non-availability of the Developer Portal and/or the APIs. These interruptions do not give the user any right to compensation.


4. User’s obligations

The user undertakes to use the Developer Portal and the APIs in accordance with the legal provisions, these terms and conditions of use, the associated documentation and all technical instructions of Crelan.

A user who no longer holds a permit from the supervisory authority to offer a particular service shall refrain from continuing to use Crelan’s APIs. 

The user undertakes, in accordance with the relevant legal provisions, to use such customer data as he obtains via Crelan's APIs only if and insofar as he holds the necessary consent of the account holder(s) concerned. The user shall refrain from developing applications that are unlawful or objectionable or might damage Crelan’s reputation.

The user is strictly forbidden:

  • to change or adapt, in whole or in part, the Crelan Developer Portal, the source code, the test data and/or the information that Crelan makes available in connection with the Developer Portal and the APIs, or to duplicate, compile, distribute, reverse-engineer, disassemble, decompile or disable any component thereof in whole or in part;
  • to seek to obtain access to or to make use of Crelan’s services or systems without being authorised or entitled to do so;
  • to disrupt or negatively influence the functioning of Crelan’s services or systems;
  • in any way to hinder other users’ use of the Developer Portal, the APIs or the information that Crelan makes available in the context of the Developer Portal and the APIs;  
  • to collect information on other users;
  • to introduce or spread viruses or other harmful codes.      

5. Intellectual property rights

The Crelan Developer Portal, the Sandbox and the APIs are the property of Crelan and/or its licence holders and fall under the protection of property rights. All rights pertaining to the Crelan Developer Portal and Crelan’s APIs belong to Crelan and its licence holders

The user is granted only a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use the Crelan Developer Portal and Crelan’s APIs in accordance with these terms and conditions of use.

All rights granted to the user shall immediately be terminated if the user does not comply with the law and/or these terms and conditions of use.

The user undertakes not to create any applications or other content on the Crelan Developer Portal or Crelan’s APIs without having the necessary intellectual rights.

Nothing in these terms and conditions of use shall constrain or prevent Crelan from creating applications or content similar to applications or content created by a user, and Crelan shall be under no obligation vis-à-vis such user.

6. Confidentiality

If and insofar as the user becomes aware of confidential information in connection with the Crelan Developer Portal or Crelan's APIs, he must treat this information as strictly confidential and may not disclose it to third parties. This undertaking shall remain in force even after the user’s access rights have come to an end.

7. Liability

The user is liable for the use he makes of the Crelan Developer Portal and Crelan’s APIs.

The user shall be liable if he makes use of customer data that he has obtained via Crelan’s APIs without holding the necessary consent of the account holder(s) concerned, in accordance with the relevant legal provisions. The user undertakes to hold Crelan harmless from any damage that Crelan may suffer as a result of its use of the Developer Portal and the APIs. 

Crelan accepts no liability whatsoever for such direct or indirect damage as might derive from the access to or use of the Crelan Developer Portal and the APIs, except in the event of wilful or gross error.

8. Costs

The use of the Crelan Developer Portal and the APIs may be subject to costs. Any such costs will be announced on the Crelan Developer Portal.

9. Termination

Crelan may at any time suspend or terminate the user’s registration and access rights to the Crelan Developer Portal, the APIs and their content, including any applications that the user may have developed. Whenever possible Crelan will inform the user of this in advance.

The user’s access rights shall immediately be terminated if the user does not comply with these terms and conditions of use.

10. Changes to terms and conditions of use

Crelan reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions of use, for example if new services are added to the Developer Portal or the APIs or to adapt these terms and conditions to relevant regulatory or legislative changes.  

Crelan will inform users of any such change in an appropriate manner through a newsletter or on the Crelan Developer Portal.

In the event that any of these terms and conditions should be ruled null and void or unenforceable by a court of law or competent government body, the remaining terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect.

11. Applicable law and jurisdiction

These terms and conditions of use shall be governed by and are to be interpreted in accordance with Belgian Law. The courts and tribunals of Brussels shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the event of any dispute concerning the execution of these terms and conditions.